Introducing… TipStitched!

If you read yesterday’s post you know that I felt as though I realized a plan that God had for my life. Were you wondering what that plan was? The plan was to start a business to sell my handmade clothing. So after some hard work, research and yards and yards of fabric and thread I am announcing TipStitchedTS-Clothing-LabelsWhen I first started sewing I would've never thought I'd be at a point where I would be sewing for others. It was just a hobby, something I enjoyed doing. This hobby has turned into a passion and others tell me that it shows. As I shared with friends, family and coworkers that I had begun to sew and I started to wear my garments to work and social events people began to inquire about me sewing garments for them. For months I would turn them down, but after several things aligned (by the grace of God) it became apparent to me that I should expand my hobby into a business.TipStitched is a collection clothing that I have hand selected and hand stitched. I would call the style effortlessly stylish. It will mimic some of what you see here on FrougieFashionista; dresses, cute separates, bright colors and black and white. TipStitched features pieces that I love to wear, those outfits that you can just throw on but look like you spent time getting dressed up. I want my clothes to make the wearer feel chic but comfy,made up of items that can be worn for a trip to the grocery store or dressed up for a night out. Please visit my newly launched site www.tipstitched.clothingPlease let me know what you think and if you catch any bugs or errors that we might have missed on the TipStitched contact page. Thanks!!!I'm "sew" excited!!!


Mimi G Fashion, Sewing and Style Conference 2015 Recap - Day 1


Weekend Sales Roundup - June 19-21st