Finally My YouTube Channel is LIVE!

I'm so excited that my YouTube channel is live!!! My first video has been uploaded and I plan to add more soon! This first video is the Seamstress Tag, where I answer 12 questions about myself and my sewing journey.YTCaptureThat's where I need your feedback! With all the sewing vloggers on YouTube I know there's already a wealth of sewing and DIY knowledge and info available, so tell me what you would like to see on my channel. Tips and Tricks? Pattern hauls? Fabric hauls? Sewalongs? A sewing space tour? Pattern hacks?SeamstressTagTitleSubscribe to my TipStitched channel so you never miss a video! And while you're at it sign up for TipStitched Blog Newsletter to here these announcements first!


Criss Cross Color Block - McCalls 7538


Pattern Review's Sewing Bee Round 1