My Me Made May Pledge

Me Made May was started by Zoe of So Zo: What Do You Know  nine years ago as a month long sewing challenge to set and achieve you individual sewing goals.

Me-Made-May'18 (#MMMay18 for social media interaction) is a challenge designed to encourage people who sew/knit/crochet/refashion/upcycle garments for themselves to wear and love them more. This challenge works on both a personal and community level. The participants decide the specifics of their own challenge, so that the month is appropriate and challenging for them (more on this below), and aim to fulfil that pledge for the duration of May 2018. Some participants also choose to document their challenge photographically (though this is in no way compulsory for taking part) and share them with other participants.
*from So Zo blog

If you want to learn more check out her post for 2018 here.

'I, Tiffany of TipStitched, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '18. I endeavor to wear one me made garment at least 3 days per week and  to sew more wardrobe staples (particularly tops to wear to work) May 2018'.

Are up participating in this years Me Made May? What is your pledge?


How to Create a Sewing Vision Board


I can make that! Border Print Dress